Tenant Newsletters
HHR Tenant Newsletter - November 2021
The end of 2021 is fast approaching and this year we will again be running our annual Christmas hamper draw. This will be the sixth year Horizon Housing has promoted the Christmas hamper draw and each year we continue to see a positive reduction in rent debt typically associated with the Christmas period. We encourage you in November to start paying small increments in advance to ensure you are eligible for participation in the Christmas hamper draw. Eligibility will only be available to tenants who are two weeks in advance on Wednesday 1 December 2021.
HHR Tenant Newsletter – December 2020
2020 has brought some very challenging times for everyone around Australia and we have all had to make changes at a very fast pace to keep up with the constantly evolving environment in which we work and live. Horizon Housing Realty (HHR) has been amazed at the resilience of our staff, tenants and landlords and are proud that, as a team, we have managed adapt and support those affected and continue our operations without any major impacts to our service.
HHR Tenant Newsletter – September 2020
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new tenants to HHR! The transfer of the management of your property took effect on 1 September and we are confident you will be delighted with our first class services. We are thrilled to manage 1344 properties in Qld, 115 in NSW and 137 in South Australia.